Just, In case you don’t know – I am just a wee bit political! I thought today I’d post on one of the things that made me so rabid in my political beliefs (there were several).
Free black men could vote in the northern states from the time of the constitution. In the south the XV Amendment to the Constitution gave black men the right to vote in 1870. Women in the United States waited another 50 years for the same right. I guess almost everyone knows that, but those are just facts. It amazes me that I have lived long enough to see an era when many young women don’t understand what the big deal is. When we hear about the women’s liberation movement, we hear about “bra burners”. Our young women truly don’t understand what those “libbers” accomplished and what they did not.
We hear this idealized version of the 1950s where mom stayed home and cooked dinner every night. What about the moms who had no choice but to work? Maybe a story from real life might explain it better.
When I was growing up, mine was the only mother I knew who worked outside the house. Eventually, mom owned her own business, (probably because it was the only job she could get that would pay enough to raise her family). When my mother was widowed in 1958 she went hunting for a job- got one too- at “W. T. Grants” a national chain store. Within the year her boss made her assistant manager of the store and sent paperwork to the home office to get her the corresponding title and the pay. Word came back that she couldn’t be assistant manager as that job was for men only. Even more insulting, the store manager was told that she could do the job, they would even “allow” her to have the title, but since she was a woman, she could never be “allowed” to make the same money as men who were the head of households. No to worry! We have made progress! Women now only make an average of $206. a week less than men do.
Oh, by the way--- W.T. Grant Co.? They went bankrupt in 1976—awe---gee---too bad…
Just 364 days until I am 60! WooHoo
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